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10.  Bibó István dr., Ifj.:  Kényszer, jog, szabadság
  • 10. Bibó István dr., Ifj.: Kényszer, jog, szabadság

    Szeged, 1935. Városi ny. VIII+151p. (Acta litterarum ac scientiarum Reg. Universitatis Hung. Francisco-Josephinae. Sectio: Juridico-politica. Tom. VIII.)

    The author's second published work, which followed a year after his study titled "A szankciók kérdése a nemzetközi jogban" (“The Question of Sanctions in International Law”). In the following years, several of his writings on similar topics were printed as well as perhaps his most influential work about ten years later: "A magyar demokrácia válsága" (“The Crisis of Hungarian Democracy”, see lot 14 of our 9th auction).

    The item also contains additional studies.

    Contemporary half cloth.


    Starting price: 80 000,-

     A darab a Hereditas Antikvárium 2024. december 6-án lezajlott 14. árverésének tétele, amely az aukciót követően nem megvásárolható. / The item is the lot of the Hereditas Antikvárium’s 14th auction, which took place on 6 December 2024 and cannot be purchased following the auction.

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