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4. Alciatus, Andrea:  Emblemata...
  • 4. Alciatus, Andrea: Emblemata...

    ... ~ cu(m) Imaginibus plerisque restitutis ad mentem Auctoris. Adjecta compendiosa explicatione Claudii Minois Divionensis, et notulis extemporariis Laurentii Pignorii Patavini.

    Patavii, 1618. apud Pet. Paulum Tozzium. 1pl(s). (engraved title page)+(45)+283 [recte 383]p.

    The author is considered as the creator of the "emblemata” form. The work was first printed in 1531, and many editions were published in the following centuries. Alciatus created the triple form, in which the image is perhaps the most important of the three parts: more than a hundred large-scale, woodcut depictions present stages and scenes of human life.

    Contemporary half vellum. Spine slightly damaged. Title page restored.


    Starting price: 50,000 Ft

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