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8.  Bartholomaeides, (László) Ladislaus:  Memorabilia provinciae Csetnek.
  • 8. Bartholomaeides, (László) Ladislaus: Memorabilia provinciae Csetnek.

    ... Recensuit ~. Cum tabellis aeri incisis.

    Neosolii, 1799. Johannes Stephani Typographus. 1pl(s). (frontispiece)+(10)+336p.+IIpl(s).+1 folding appx(s).+1 folding map(s)

    The author was a Lutheran pastor from Csetnek, who later became an archdeacon. Several historical works are associated with his name. This work includes the history and description of the manor of Csetnek.

    Contemporary paper. Spine slightly damaged.

    Prov.: From the library of József Horváth.


    Starting price: 30 000,-

     A darab a Hereditas Antikvárium 2024. december 6-án lezajlott 14. árverésének tétele, amely az aukciót követően nem megvásárolható. / The item is the lot of the Hereditas Antikvárium’s 14th auction, which took place on 6 December 2024 and cannot be purchased following the auction.

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